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Sunday, 20 March 2011

I had a good time, I'm sorry.

People have a long history of doing stuff for "fun" and then complaining about it when they're done.  Vacation stories are ripe for this, starting from mishaps at the airport, customs, hotel, restaurant, beach, and continuing through oceans removing bathing suits, sun burns and Montezuma's revenge.  Actual broken bones or obviously visable wounds are the best.  If you can arrange swelling and or pus, ooooh's and aww's will by loud and audible.

I have ton of these stories myself.  In Miami last November,  I had my friend take pictures of my very sun burned back to "prove" this to others.  Did I think they wouldn't believe me without pictures? Is this some unconscious attempt to justify our having gone off to enjoy ourselves?

Why does a night of drinking sound better when it's followed up by a morning after story?  You woke up with WHO beside you?  How did you clothes get OUTSIDE?

I went to a flower show on Friday night that I loved!  Canada is freakin' long and cold and wintery and nothing replenishes the soul like flowers, gardens, and sounds of water in the backyard when you need to pee.  The show started with the most gorgeous purple tulips everywhere (thank you Holland). There was flower art, backyard oases, food, and a WINE BAR.  Don't think that was a one time stop during the evening either, but like a guilt ridden moron, I start the story with  a tale of woe of being greeted at the entrance by a wall of grass that of course I'm allergic to.  Really the only good grass is dead grass.  Or no grass.  Why on earth do we have such high maintenance crap in our backyards?  And here's the kicker, I'm not allergic to most weeds, but every spring, I get down into the grass and hand pull all the weeds out. Yes, I stick my nose into the GRASS to pull out weeds that don't bother me.  What's wrong with this picture?

Shouldn't we just be able to say "I had an amazing time and wouldn't change a second of it?"  We should of course, but then we'd be ducking looking for that thunderbolt to strike....

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